KAMPALA – President Museveni will on Wednesday, December 4, 2019, lead the country in a walk to highlight the gains made so far in the fight against corruption and announce the government’s plans to stem the vice going forward.
The walk starting will be held under the theme “A corruption-free Uganda; It Starts with Me”. It will see the President walk from Constitutional Square in the city centre to Kololo Independence Grounds, a distance of about four kilometres.
“Other government, religious, traditional and civil society leaders are expected to join the President in the walk,” a State House statement issued on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, reads in part.
The Anti-Corruption walk will be part of Uganda’s participation in the global recognition of the Anti-corruption week, whose theme Is “Promoting Accountability for National Development.”
“Members of the public are also urged to join His Excellency the President in this walk as a show of their own commitment to support the fight against corruption,” the release adds.
On December 10., 2018, President Museveni launched the State House Anti-Corruption Unit, a 24-hour rapid response unit to receive and respond to corruption-related complaints from the public. Since Inception, the unit has received 58,415 complaints, concluded 8,022. It is currently investigating 4,017 and has referred 35.280 cases to relevant MDAs. A total of 111 people have been charged in court, with 79 public officials interdicted.