KAMPALA – The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) will host the International Telecommunications Union Cyber drill for the African Region at Kabira Country Club in Kampala.
The Cyber drill, which Uganda is hosting from 18th – 21st November 2019 is an annual event of the International Telecommunications Union Development Sector (ITU-D) that is organized in the different regions of the ITU.
UCC says the purpose of the Cyber drill is to enhance the communication and incident response capabilities of the participating teams as well as to ensure a continued collective effort in mitigating cyber threats among the region’s national Computer Incident Response Teams (CIRTs).
“The exercise is structured around various scenarios involving the most common types of cyberattacks while the sharing sessions provide a platform for cooperation and discussions on cyber security,” reads a brief about the event.
The Cyber drill is based on scenarios that focus on risks to the cyber and information technology infrastructure. Through exercises, participants are able to validate policies, plans, procedures, processes, and capabilities that enable preparation, prevention, response, recovery, and continuity of operations.
The ITU developed the program/exercise to improve national cyber security readiness, protection and incident response capabilities at regional and international level.
To date, twenty-four cyber drill exercises have been conducted all-over the world, in more than 100 countries.
In the Africa region, the exercise has been conducted in the following countries:
- 01 – 05 October 2018: Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast
- 13 – 17 November 2017: Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam
- 04 – 08 April 2016: Port-Luis, Mauritius
- 05 – 07 May 2015: Kigali, Rwanda
- 29 September – 01 Oct 2014: Livingstone, Zambia
The four-day event is designed to be an interactive platform for cooperation, information sharing, discussion on current cybersecurity issues and a hands-on exercise for national CIRTs (Computer Incident Response Teams).
UCC noted that the first two days will be dedicated for the organization of trainings, Technical Colloquia or COP workshop etc. while the other two days are structured around scenarios consisting of several incidents, which involve the most common types of attacks.
About 50 participants are expected; from national CERTs, ministries, regulators, telecommunication operators, universities and general education institutions, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, research and design institutes, software developers and other interested stakeholders of the ITU Member States.