KAMPALA – Brig Kayanja Muhanga has on Thursday, December 5 handed over Second Division Command and Control to the newly appointed Commander Hon. Brig. Francis Takirwa.
The ceremony was presided over by the UPDF Chief of Defence Forces Gen David Muhoozi who hailed Brig Kayanja Muhanga for his selfless service to the nation and called on Hon. Brig Francis Takirwa to excel higher.
Gen Muhoozi observed that 2 Division is one of the largest and most productive Divisions in the country and therefore requires to be handled with utmost care.
The CDF noted that the Commander in Chief had alot of hopes in the new Commander to take over the mantle from Brig Kayanja since Brig.Takirwa is also a very experienced field Commander.
Brig Takirwa prior to his deployment as second infantry Division Commander has been the Chief of Education, Sports and Culture in the UPDF and is also UPDF representative in parliament.
Brig Kayanja Muhanga heads to South African National Defence college for a one year Defence strategic course.
The ceremony was attended by the 5 Infantry Division Commander Brig. Steven Mugerwa, the newly created mountain Division Commander Brig. Moses Kwikiriza, Brigade Commanders and other heads of departments at the Division headquaters among others