KAMPALA – Former Ethics minister Miria Matembe has said the country is nurturing a corrupt generation which will impact future growth.
“I have never seen Ugandans lose their souls, sometimes you meet people dressed well and before they leave they will ask for money, we are infected with greed and patronage,” Ms Matembe said while giving a key note address at the National Integrity and Service Delivery awards held at Sheraton Hotel in Kampala on Thursday.
President Museveni on Wednesday led anti-corruption walk organised by State anti-corruption agencies.
But Ms Matembe castigated the regime for nurturing corruption.
“I wondered when the president warned the corrupt saying that God is seeing them but unfortunately though, I didn’t hear him propose a solution to this moral and spiritual problem and immediately said, so be it,” she said.
Mr Museveni’s anti-corruption walk came at a time when Uganda has consistently been rated among the world’s most corruption-prone countries in perception index rankings both locally and globally. In the 2018 Transparency International global corruption perception index, Uganda was ranked 149th out of 180 countries, scoring a paltry 26 percent out of 100.