KAMPALA – President Museveni on Wednesday, December 04, 2019 led an anti-corruption walk that sought to highlight the gains made in the fight against corruption but also announce new plans by government to fight the vice.With the walk causing terrible traffic jam in Kampala, many Ugandans took to social media to troll government on whether such an activity is enough to lead to the end of the vice.
Hebert Ben Oluka wrote on Facebook: “President Yoweri Museveni told Ugandans gathered by his government for today’s “anti-corruption walk” that “I have never stolen from anybody but I am rich.” And then it started raining shortly after. The heavens literally laughed till their tears dropped all over Kampala.”
Grace Natabaalo tweeted: “Museveni should do that thing that preachers love to do in Church. Turn and face your neighbour and tell them they are corrupt. #AntiCorruptionWalk.”
Joachim Buwembo posted: “Israel’s Benjamin Nentanyahu to face trial lasting 30 days in Jerusalem District Court (the Buganda Road Magistrates of Israel) on corruption charges. The Attorney General has today written to Kneset Speaket notifying him of the impending trial. If only Nentanyahu had used Uganda’s example and marched against corruption maybe he wouldn’t find himself in this embarrassing situation. At least the AG would have been touched by his boss’s gesture of concern over corruption.”
Sam Stuart Mutabazi posted: “Just Asking: Did Sam Kutesa participate in Anti-Corruption Walk?”
Jacob Oulanya, Deputy Speaker of Parliament posted: “I come here because it is a show but deep down i know we are going back to same old corruption, I dare anyone challenge me on that.”
Daniel Kawuma tweeted: “If they arrested every Ugandan with a VIP pass at the 2019 #AntiCorruptionWalk, Uganda would be a corrupt free Nation. #WastedOpportunity”
Joseph Beyanga: “After today’s experiment of the #AntiCorruptionwalk, I hope our leaders will use it’s impact to take planning and the fight against this vice seriously. If we had a functioning city road infrastructure, closing a few wouldn’t lead to this paralysis. What have we been up to?”
Allan Kasujja: “Huge symbolism in the inconvenience caused by the #AntiCorruptionWalk Basically, corruption is inconvenient..”
Chris Nkwatsibwe tweeted: “For Ugandans to understand the commitment of government in fighting corruption. Let the organisers of the #AntiCorruptionWalk 2019 share the budget for organising the event. You will be shocked.”
Frank Walusimbi tweeted: “As #AntiCorruptionWalk kicks off, a member of the civil service is somewhere negotiating a kickback from a government project that is about to start. They are probably following the walking drama on live TV with a contemptuous look.”
David F.K. Mpanga tweeted: “All of this could’ve been done on a Sunday. You know, like the MTN Marathon or the Kabaka’s Birthday Run. Tens of thousands of people could have turned up. But no, that would have been too sensible. So now people have to put up with this kind of traffic trying to get to work.”
Ronald Muhinda wrote: “As the Corrupt led by Museveni demonstrated in town in support of their Corruption, the Anti-Corruption Match led by President Kizza Besigye was blocked by Corrupt Police officers working for the corrupt. Besigye managed to evade a security siege at his home and Police found him in Jam on Mpererwe. As President Kizza Besigye put it, those who demonstrated in town with Museveni are “armed robbers, whose actions go beyond corruption”! In Luganda he called them “Bakoondo”! “All those who Walked with Mr. Museveni are Armed robbers (Bakoondo” with Museveni at the helm of the Armed Robbers”, Besigye said. All Police Machinery was deployed against Kizza Besigye on Gayaza Road.”
Cissy Okwir wrote: “I think these old men needed company for their fitness walk because they feel unsafe moving freely on Kampala streets to stretch like any other Ugandan……..Corruption needs a bigger fight than walking,arrest,let people lose jobs etc there’s too much airtime asked for at work places from employees just to keep a job…”
BWANA Josh tweeted: “In Rwanda if you are caught in any corruption scandal they take you to prison and you serve 7 years. That’s how you handle corruption. Not this walking nonsense #AntiCorruptionWalk”
Jonah Ok wrote: “If it was Besigye’s walk to work, there would be loud cries from Police that he is stepping on peoples tomatoes. Today even the luck of having their tomatoes stepped on by Besigyeists did not happen. They just could not get to town to open their makeshift stalls. #SteadyProgress.”