GALAMBA – Bishops’ wives from the Province of the Church of Uganda (C.O.U) on Thursday 9, 2020 visited Galamba Church of Uganda Primary School in Mwelerwe Parish-Kazo Archdeaconry.
The delegation was led by Faith Kityo Luwalira who spear headed the transformation of the School together with the Shunamite Women of Faith.
Ms Faith elaborated some of the challenges which the School faced before the transformation period which included; one dilapidated building, no teacher houses, no lay reader house, one dilapidated toilet, head teacher’s office under a tree, no reliable water source, unfinished church structure, unlicensed teachers, classes conducted under trees, high teacher and pupil absenteeism. etc.
Ms Faith gave a summary of the new development which have been archived which include; three bed roomed house for the Chaplain and water tank installed, seven teacher houses, classroom block with 4 classes and headteacher’s office, classroom block with 3 classes and Sunday School section, underground water tank of capacity 40000 liters, a school canteen & kitchen, a new modern pit latrine with 8 stanzas, a nursery section repaired, a new Church.

Bishops’ wives donated different gift hampers to the school.
Ms Faith thanked the Shunamite Women of faith for the key support they have put in the transformation process and all the people who have supported the transformation of the School.
“The expert in the law replied, “the on who had mercy on him,” Jesus told him, go and do likewise.”