MOROTO – Residents of Moroto district have asked the government to allow China Communication Construction Company Limited (CCCC), a Chinese road construction company that worked on Moroto, Soroti road to continue working on the remaining road that connects Moroto to Lokitelanyala in the border of Moroto and West Pokot of Kenya.
Moroto-Lokitelenyala is one of the roads that the government has approved to be worked on; it stretches 70 kilometers from Moroto to Lokitelenyala behind Mt. Moroto to the border of Kenya and Uganda.
PML Daily has learnt that the construction of Moroto to Lokitelenyala follows the recent discovery of oil under Kadam basin with its depot being in Lokitelenyala.
Currently, there is a contraction of 133KV power line from Jinja to Lokitelenyala through Katikekile and Tapac Sub County in Moroto district and it goes upto Lokitelenyala.
The locals who claim they are excited with work of CCCC on Moroto, Soroti road said such companies who do a good work need to be given roads to construct.
Simon Korobe, a trader in Moroto said the work of CCCC on Moroto, Soroti road is good compare to the Chinese company that constructed Moroto, Nakapiripirit road that has already developed deep cracks in less than 8 years since it was completed.
“How I wish the government could give CCCCC to work on Moroto, Lokitelenyala road instead of getting another company because CCCCC dose a good job and its workers have been so friendly to the communities,” he said.
John Kinei another trader praised CCCC Company for the professional work saying they should be given more roads to work on especially in Karamoja region.
CCCC Company has worked on many roads in Uganda which include Entebbe Expressway, Kiryadongo Gulu highway via Conner Kamdini, Rwakitura to Kazo and many others adding CCCC will continue working with the government of Uganda and will be available ready to take up any assignment from the government of Uganda in terms of road infrastructure.