KASSANDA – Police in Kassanda District are investigating an incident where Patrick Manihiro, a 13-year-old pupil at Bukuya Primary School, was accidentally shot and killed by a stray bullet.
The incident occurred when officers at Bukuya Police responded to a disturbance call about an aggressive dog that was threatening to attack and injure residents within Bukuya Town Council. The incident occurred on the 28/01/2020, at around 6:00 pm, at Bukuya Town Council, Kassanda District.
The operation was led by ASP Obbu Franco, the officer-in-charge of Bukuya Police station.
“He confronted and fired at the vicious dog, but unfortunately missed it and the stray bullet caught the victim, killing him instantly. The suspect dropped the gun and escaped from the scene. A serious manhunt for his arrest is ongoing,” Police spokesman Fred Enanga said in a statement released on Wednesday, January 29, 2020.
“We believe our officer should have handled the matter in a better way. We urge him to come out of hiding and hand himself to the nearest Police unit. We would also like to caution any friends and relatives with knowledge about his whereabouts, to desist from any acts of harbouring him, but report to the Police in Wamala Region on 0713-940934 or 0713-940935 and share the information with them,” he said.
“The IGP has extended his heartfelt condolences and prayers to the immediate fatuity, friends, and relatives of the late Patrick Manihiro. He has also dispatched a team that has reached out to the family and further tasked them to fast track the investigations and also ensure the suspect is traced, arrested and brought to justice. May the soul of Patrick, rest in eternal peace,” he added