KAMPALA – A total og 25 Police officers have on Friday, January 10 started a 3-day workshop in micro business simulation management.
The training is being held at Exodus Sacco offices in Naguru, Kampala.
According to the chairman Exodus Sacco, SCP Wilson Omoding, the training is aimed at equipping police officers with skills in business management which he said will enable them supplement their salary.
“We need officers to understand the skills and knowledge in running businesses because at times they get loans and venture into things they have no idea about and the dynamics therein,” he said, justifying the need to the training.
“We look at this as an opportunity and part of the program to continue passing our sensitization program on the management of the Police Exodus Sacco,”he added.
“We are taking them through financial literacy programs so that the ones we are training will act as trainers of trainers which will also help us in cleaning the image of the Sacco but also help tell the members of our intended programs in moving their Sacco forward, progressively.”
Through this workshop, Omoding said the force intends to change the mindset of the officers.
“We want to change the mindset and how we do things. Officers have a tendency of making businesses but are not properly planned. Others entirely depend on salary only. We feel if officers can get any pillars of businesses, it will be able to help them economically so that they can sort out challenging and pressing needs they have,” he noted.
Omoding said the training will be a milestone in changing the lives of officers and equipping them with business running skills.
“We need officers who will come tomorrow for loans from Exodus Sacco and will be able to put projects that can supplement their salary. These projects can include agriculture, and with that, I think we shall be driving in a right direction,” he said.