RUKUNGIRI – The Rukungiri District local government public accounts committee has tasked Charles Najjuna, the town clerk Kebisoni town council and the senior treasurer Kenneth Byaruhanga to produce clear documentation following allegations of miss-management of the ugx 100 Million startup funds in the 2018-2019 budget.
The resolution was made yesterday during a Forensic audit of Kebisoni town council chaired by Wilson Kamukungu held at Kebisoni town council hall.
Kamukungu noted that the committee is to dig out accountability and accord fair hearing for justice to prevail adding that the bigger cause of many queries is as a result of poor documentation.
“We have for a long time received information pertaining to the misuse of the startup funds that were awarded to the town council for the development of some infrastructure and we, therefore, decided to do an audit to establish the real facts” Kamungu explaining the essence of the audit.
According to the report presented to the committee, it indicated that the construction of a water closet and stance toilet with a changing room for ladies at Kebisoni town council offices had been completed at a budget of ugx 20, 736, 890 shillings, however as the committee visited the site visible work was on the ground.
Among other queries were the ugx 7 million welfare funds, ugx 4 Million for sensitization of taxpayers of which the technical staff denied in taking part and a ugx 20 Million for the purchase of land for garbage disposal, ugx 16 million for a motorcycle and the taxi park gate which was valued at ugx 3Million.
Charles Najunah the town clerk Kebisoni town told the PAC that all the controversies are originating from poor documentation.
Leonard Muhunguzi Tiberondwa aka Principal Farmer the Kebisoni town council District councilor and Milton Mulisa a councilor representing Southern ward called for immediate action from the PAC committee to fight ghost projects and implementers.
The duo said that they won’t accept such behavior to prevail in their area and that they will fight until the matters are solved and the money recovered.
“It’s unfortunate that the committee recommended that the work was fully done when actually there is nothing on the ground to present to the committee” the councilors noted.
The PAC committee later promised to file a report on their investigations and submit it to the Rukungiri District Chief Administrative officer and wait for justice to take its course.