KAMPALA – Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) Executive Secretary Dan Odong, has revealed that failure rate in the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) examinations dropped to 7.8 percent, from 12.8 percent in the previous year.
“Overall performance improved with 92.2% passing compared to 87.2% in the previous years while failure rate dropped significantly from 12.8% to 7.8%,” he said noting that 92.2 of the candidates who sat for the exams are able to proceed to the next A-Level.
UNEB has also revealed that of the 337,720 students who sat the UCE 2019 exams, 144,256 were USE beneficiaries. They make up 42.7% of the number of students who sat the exams.
While a total of 337,720 candidates registered for the UCE examinations in 2019, only 333,060 sat for the examinations.
UNEB has reported a massive improvement in Biology, Geography, Agriculture, Chemistry and Art.
Janet Museveni, Education Minister has said that the teaching of the English language has degenerated to encouraging learners to cram content that consists of very complicated words.
“This needs to stop as it is not helping our students,” she said.