MOSCOW – Bella Wine a Uganda Brand under the K – Roma has soared to greater heights is the only one from East Africa at the Prodexpo in Moscow, Russia.
The Weeklong 26th installment of the trade closed on Friday, February 14.
This is a vivid indicator that resilience, hard work, proper marketing, and self-belief can propel us beyond the skies. As a country, the balance of trade with nations has been a deficit having more imports.
PML Daily’s Abraham Mutalyebwa caught up with Ms. Prudent Ukkonika the founder of K-Roma who revealed that this was a great platform for Ugandan companies in the food and beverage sector to showcase their products.
“I’m able to meet very many wine manufacturers, dealers in packaging and my research on wine has been made easy.” She said.

Prod Expo is a major international show of food and drinks in Russia and Eastern Europe. It features foodstuffs from across the globe, from essential food and beverages to exquisite specialty as well as organic, sport and healthy food, halal, kosher, and exotic products.
The event gathered over 65,000 visitors and 2,500 exhibitors to Moscow’s Expo center fairgrounds with attendees from 112 countries geared up for connections and expanding their businesses.
In 2018, a survey by US broadcaster Cable News Network (CNN) ranked Ugandans among top consumers of alcohol in Africa ranking her eighth globally ahead of Germany and Australia at positions nine and 10, respectively.
Bella Wine is the only locally produced wines that are packaged in casks or box wine as it is sometimes referred to.