KAMPALA – The Vice Chairperson of the Committee of Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) Ibrahim Kasozi has revealed plans to summon Vice President Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi to explain his hand into the sale of land to St. Mary’s College Kisubi located in Entebbe.
Kasozi made the revelation on Thursday, February 6 in a meeting held between a select Committee set up to investigate the sale of departed Asian properties and officials of Wakiso Land Board who had been summoned to explain why they sold off land belonged to departed Asians yet the said properties had been entrusted to the Custodian Board.
Gilbert Kasozi, Senior Land Management Officer at Wakiso District Land Board told the Committee that property at Plot99 Kampala road in Entebbe was registered to Maria Regina Gamana in 1964 and on 29th September 1980, the property was registered in favour of bill or governors of St Marys College Kisubi.
He explained, “According to available information, the said Maria gave powers of attorney to Ssekandi and Company Advocates authorizing them to obtain repossession certificates and transferred the same property to St Mary’s Kisubi. The custodian board issued accordingly issued the repossession certificate directly to St Mary’s College Kisubi.”
However, Jinja Municipality MP, Paul Mwiru wondered how it is possible for a property owner to issue powers of attorney when they are still alive even if they don’t frequent the country.
“Is it possible that somebody stays out of the country and gives the powers of attorney to someone even if they are out of the country,” asked Mwiru.
However, Kasozi, Senior Land Management Officer at Wakiso District Land Board said the question can be best answered by the Custodian Board because they are the ones that cleared the transactions.
COSASE Chairperson, Kasozi said there is need for the Committee to view the full copy of the file so that MPs can address themselves on the next interface.
Mwiru added saying, “If you validate this transaction, they gave powers of attorney to individuals who sold the property on their behalf. It will actually tantalize the whole investigation. Which Ssekandi was this?
Kasozi, Senior Land Management Officer at Wakiso District Land Board replied, “The Vice President.”
It was then that COSASE boss said, “We shall also need to interact with him (Vice President Ssekandi).”
In a related development, the Committee summoned Entebbe Municipality leaders after it was revealed before the Committee that plot 45-53 on Portal road was taken over by the municipality leadership with evidence showing that Entebbe Municipality leadership didn’t follow the right procedures in acquiring this land.