KAMPALA – A bigger section of the public has backed Kampala Catholic Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga’s decree banning the receiving of the Holy Communion by hand.
In a decree issued on Saturday, February 1, 2020, Archbishop Lwanga said it is in keeping with the liturgical and canonical norms of the Church Universal under Canon Law 392: 2.
“Henceforth, it is forbidden to distribute or to receive Holy Communion In the hands. Mother Church enjoins US to hold the Most Holy Eucharist in the highest honor (Can. 898). Due to many reported instances of dishonoring the Eucharist that have been associated with reception of the Eucharist in the hands, it is lilting to return to the more reverent method of receiving the Eucharist on the tongue,” the letter reads in part.
Various Ugandans posting on social media have backed the move, with many insisting that it is line with the doctrine of the Catholic faith.
Henry Stanley Tamale posted: “St Thomas Aquinas, one of the best theologians and medieval philosophers, in his teaching about the blessed sacrament of the Eucharist, emphasized receiving our Lord on the tongue because, ‘Out of reverence towards this Sacrament, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated.’”
Sophie Sing said: “He is absolutely right. That is the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which should be received when you are very clean in mind, heart, soul. Put your tongue brethren.”
Tumutegyereize Benjamin posted: “100% right! There is no pope in history that ever encouraged communion in the hands. I long waited for such guidance especially in this era when satanic ritual practice is rampant. This shouldn’t end in Kampala alone. Other Bishops should emulate!”
Ladit Benson Ebonyu said: “He is going contrary with the scripture. The apostles did not receive with their tongues from Jesus ( Matt.26:26), and Jesus said “I have set for you an example that you should do as I have done for you” ( John 13:15). Read John 13:1- 15, Matt.26:26-29 you will get the real procedures to follow during Holy Communion.”
Joseph Mpabaisi said: “The reminder of the spiritual leader is the best way to do it and this should not provoc reactions. You either take it or politely leave it.”
Mukimba Sophy Winfred posted: “But I pity people who are just commenting without clear conscience and most of them are non-Catholics. But us who understand the Church and its tradition, we appreciate to be reminded by our spiritual elders. Archbishop Lwanga has quoted from the first Vatican council…. what he is saying is not cooked from his mouth. The Catholic Church doesn’t just wake up and pass on a decree. All decrees have sources, consultation, references, inferences based on vivid truth….. One of the five corporal works of Mercy is to educate the ignorant and so bishop has educated us. To me I say thank u.”
Marian Kitza Mouingor said: “He has said it and that’s it and he has documents to back it up. Matters of the church are non-debatable by the public. There is surely a consultation team with whom he derives his conclusions.”

Manirakiza Robert Mwalimu posted: As a Catholic, and basing on what I have read from the various sources such as sacred theology, he is very right. This time let us not rush to castigate or criticize the Archbishop.”
Gero Lule said: “It’s not a matter for everyone, strictly Catholics can understand this and if our spiritual leaders say so, then who are we to question their spiritual understanding?”
Matovu Johnvianney said: “In the USA, they are even planning on how to implement an even more serious setting through kneeling and receiving by the tongue. So if we chose to be Catholics, he is just reminding us of what to do not even telling us because the Canon law stipulated it in the Vatican council 2. Let’s not be lenient with our weaknesses. It’s by tongue.”
Jjumba Pontiano posted: “His communication was clear. Everything the church does is deep rooted and with reasons. Many people don’t understand why the church chooses to do certain things.”
Judith Michelle said: “I think this post only concerns Catholics but I am seeing so many people who are not Catholics being so negative, okay on behalf of all Catholics we are okay with what the Bishop has decided.”