KAMPALA – The Director of the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) has launched an impassioned defence of the new education curriculum and accused Members of Parliament of politicizing it.
Parliament on Tuesday, February 4, suspended the implementation of the new education curriculum, citing unpreparedness across all stakeholders.
But in an interview on Wednesday, February 5, 2020, the Director of NCDC, Ms Grace Baguma, said they only follow instructions from the Ministry of Education and not politicians.
She also revealed that the training of teachers for the new curriculum, which is ongoing at different centres countrywide, will continue until the ministry says otherwise.
For over 5 hours on Tuesday, several legislators cautioned government against rushing the implementation of the new curriculum without the required human resource and providing adequate time for the transition.
This was after the minister for primary education, Rosemary Sseninde, said that government would not halt the implementation of the new curriculum, and tabled in parliament the sample books guiding the new curriculum.
But Shadow Education Minister Mathias Mpuuga, said what government developed cannot pass for a curriculum reforms but a small adjustment in the curriculum. He maintained that government wasn’t ready to implement the curriculum, saying it should be rolled back.
Igara East MP, Michael Mawanda questioned why government was not giving time to schools to understand the new curriculum before rushing its implementation.