ARUA — The Speaker of Parliament Hon. Rebecca Kadaga is set to preside over the joint celebrations for the World Cancer Day and International Childhood Cancer Day at Arua Police grounds in West Nile.
The event slated for Saturday February, 15 2020 will be celebrated under the theme “I am and I will.”
This calls upon individuals to take part in the cancer fight. It emphasizes the need for personal commitment towards actions that help prevent cancer.
It is no doubt that Cancer is increasingly becoming a burden in our country with over 30,000 new cancer cases registered.
The global cancer community commemorated World Cancer Day, on February 4, with the slogan ”I Am and I Will’.
Uganda joins this campaign to call everyone, collectively and individually, to commit to strengthen actions aimed to reduce the impact of cancer. This can be achieved by reducing cancer risk factors, screening and detecting cancer at early stages, and improving access to diagnosis, adequate treatment and palliative care.
The joint celebrations of World Cancer Day and International Childhood Cancer Day are also aimed at creating on February 15th 2020
International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) is a global collaborative campaign to raise awareness about childhood cancer, and to express support for children and adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families.
Together, on ICCD, we raise our voices and envision the day when there are No More Borders for all children with cancer regardless of where they live in the world.
Each year, more than 300,000 children ages birth to 19 years are diagnosed with cancer around the world. Approximately 8 in 10 of these children live in low and middle-income countries where their survival rate is often near 20%.
The Target Goal of the WHO Global Childhood Cancer Initiative is to eliminate all pain and suffering of children fighting cancer and achieve at least 60% survival for all children diagnosed with cancer around the world by 2030.
This represents an approximate doubling of the current cure rate and will save an additional one million children’s lives over the next decade.
Childhood cancer knows no boundaries neither should the cure!