KAMPALA – Uganda is one of the best green capitals of the world but due to the increased deforestation, swamp reclamation, unplanned settlements, pollution among others, the pristine nature has been running in the ruts of late. In the bid to stop this, Tree Adoption Uganda (TAU) a youth-driven non-profit organisation has championed the Run4Climate slated for Sunday, February 9, at Makerere University, Kampala.
According to the organisers led by Dr. Charles Batte, this will be the first of its kind in Uganda bringing together youth, corporate bodies, government agencies, environmentalists, and other key stake holders to create awareness, enhancing synergy and action through the run since it also has other health benefits that accrue to keeping fit and sound.
“We believe that the gradual and small steps taken by TAU now will go a long way to mitigate climate change, enhance resilience of smallholder farmers, and most importantly reverse the soaring trend of natural disasters at a local and global scale,” he said.
Last year the organisation planted over 10,000 trees in Nakaseke district.
It has also embraced technology through the eco-mapping system to monitor the growth of the trees.
According to Batte, the funds raised from the Run4Climate will be used to support our programs for building climate resilience in Bududa in Eastern Uganda with running kits costing UGX 20,000 for adults and the kids UGX10,000