MUKONO – Uganda Christian University (UCU ) has officially unveiled the new Chancellor The Most Rt. Rev. Samuel Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu the Archbishop of the church of Uganda.
The ceremony happened in Nkoyoyo hall at UCU main campus done under strict measures against a contraction of Covid-19.
In attendance were guests strictly invited by invitation which include deans of faculties, guild government, members of the university council l, the Vice-chancellors, Chairpersons board among others.
These were instructed to keep a safe distance while socializing and the sitting arrangement where guests sat 5m from each other, there was the use of sanitizers at every entry point one took including checking of temperatures.
Dr. Kaziimba is who is now the 4th chancellor to be installed comes after Rt. Rev. Stanley Ntagali.
As per the procedure of the institution, every Archbishop of the Church of Uganda becomes the chancellor of UCU. He takes on the mantle after the 8th Archbishop Rev Stanley Ntagali.
The dean of the province of the Church of Uganda Bishop Jackson Nzerebende Tembo who performed the installation handed over the instruments of power to Dr. Kaziimba which included a copy of the university charter, mess of power and other tertiary institutions’ Act, 2001 and helped him dress into the right gown as chancellor.
The Vice-chancellor Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi constituted the congregation and explained the purpose of the ceremony.
He said: “We are here gathered here this day to officially install and receive the new 4th chancellor of Uganda Christian University.”
He said that according to Section 16 titled the Chancellor of the amended university charter published in Uganda gazette no. 66 vol 111 dated December 24 2018 legal notice number. 21 2018, “There shall be the Archbishop of the church of Uganda who shall be the chancellor of the university”
“The former chancellor Rt. Rev Stanley Ntagali retired on March 1 and the new chancellor took over the office in an acting capacity,” he added
Dr. Kaziimba appealed to the staff to work together with him as he takes office.
“I ask the staff to work together with me during my tenure in office,” he said
He also pledged to follow up on the president’s directive to see that the institution is exempted from paying taxes.
Previous Chancellors
Rt. Rev. Livingstone Mpalanyi Nkoyoyo (1997-2004)
Rt. Rev. Dr. Henry Luke Orombi (2004- 2014)
Rt. Rev. Stanley Ntagali (2014-2020)