MOROTO – The Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) has recovered 37 guns and unspecified number of bullets from the Karamojong cattle rustlers.
The 37 guns and ammunition were recovered in the nine districts of Karamoja in period of four month since January to date.
Major Peter Mugisa, the UPDF 3rd division spokesperson told PML Daily on Monday, April 20, that the guns and ammunition were recovered through condoned and search operations and at times direct clashing where others are put out of action and the gun recovered.
He added that some guns are recovered through intelligence led and peace meetings where the Kraal leaders voluntarily brought them out.
He also said the army has recovered hundreds of livestock that were raided and handed over them back to the owners.
Maj. Gen. Mugisa said the continuous recovery of guns gives evidence that guns are still being kept by the Karamojong pastoralists.
“We are working hard to ensure that we maintain peace in Karamoja, we shall not allow Karamoja to be taken back to where it was,” he said.
Karamoja for many years experienced violence and lowliness due to the presence of illegal guns by the Karamojong which perpetuated cattle raiding and ambushing of vehicles within and outside the region.