KAMPALA – Secretary to the Treasury Keith Muhakanizi has directed all government accounting officers to prioritize salaries, wages and pension during this period of lockdown over coronavirus and postpone other payments.
According to Muhakanizi, health workers, security officers, pensioners and other public officials will be paid first, then others can come later.
“Salaries, wages and pensions for all ministries, departments, agencies, and local governments will be prioritized,” he said in his March 31 letter.

So will health sector-related payments.
These, according to Keith Muhakanizi, include payments made by the Ministry of Health, regional referral hospitals and other health facilities.
“Please note that payments outside the above categories are not a priority at the moment and will therefore NOT be handled until later as guided by the lockdown measures by the government,” reads a letter Muhakiniz wrote to all government accounting officers.