OYAM – A 20-year-old man who has been showing signs of COVID-19 has given himself to local authorities in Oyam District.
The suspected case, a resident of Anyomolyec, Otwal subcounty, Oyam district, revealed that he made contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient. According to a Local Council leader Sadam Okullu Onimo, the suspected case is experiencing dry cough, difficulty in breathing and eating salty foods, among other symptoms.
The man who has been quarantined in a house as they wait for Health experts to take him up was reportedly living in Kampala with a friend that tested positive for COVID-19.
According to the suspected case, his friend recently travelled out of the country but after returning, his friend tested positive and was taken to a facility for management.
The suspect revealed that after his friend was taken from the house they were sharing, he returned using a Tipper truck to Oyam about 2 weeks ago, stayed in Loro for 2 days before proceeding to his village in Anyomolyec.
Patrick Ogwal Ojok, a local leader said he contacted Health officials who revealed to him that they are on their way to pick up the suspect.
Oyam district so far has 6 people placed under mandatory quarantine.
So far, Uganda has discharged 20 COVID-19 patients, and has recorded no death.
A cumulative of 1,361 contacts to confirmed cases have been listed to date.