KAMPALA – Members of Parliament have tasked the government to explain Vision Group’s decision to cut employees’ salaries due Covid-19 crisis yet it’s state owned.
The concern was on Wednesday, May 6 raised by Nwoya Woman MP, Lilly Adong before the House, saying that the decision by the management is unfair.
Vision Group owns New Vision, Bukedde TV, Bukedde radio and Bukedde newspaper, Urban TV and a series of upcountry TV, newspapers and radio stations such as Orumuri, TV West, Radio West, Rupiny and Etop.
Late last month, the company boss Robert Kabushenga, informed all staff that the business had been negatively impacted by the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in a more severe manner than could have been foreseen.
“…the recent downturn requires even more stiff measures to keep the business viable,” Kabushenga wrote, adding: “This necessitates that for the first time in sixteen years management has to take drastic measures to reduce the wage bill.”
Kabushenga added that employees will receive full pay for the month of April 2020 but will effect gross salary reduction effective May 2020 of 60% for employees “who earn above Shs19m, 45% for those between Shs8m-9m and 40% for those who earn below Shs8m.”
In response to MP Adong’s concern, David Bahati, State Minister for Planning revealed that Government has been in touch with the Management of Vision Group who told Government, which owns 49% shares that the Company has had shortfall in terms of sales as a result of COVID-19, saying that Government is working on possible solutions on the matter.