KAMPALA – Rotary Club of Kira on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 donated an assortment of goods valued at Shs 15million to the health centers in the municipality.
According to Anthony Okimat, the Club’s Chartered President, the club partnered with Rotary District Office 9211 with support of their mother Clubs of Kampala Ssese Islands and Namugongo to provide water sanitation and hygiene facilities and personal protective equipment to their community to combat the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Through the above partnership, the Rotary Club of Kira received in kind support from the Rotary District 9211 Covid 19 Emmergency and suppirt grant amounting to Shs14, 918,198 which will be given to Kira health center III, Kireka Health center II and Kimwanyi health center II,” he said.
While receiving a consignment of assorted medical equipment and supplies from the Rotary Club of Kira, Julius Mutebi Nsubuga the Mayor of Kira Municipality, told the Rotarians that residents of the Municipality are living in fear of a possible outbreak of the disease in their area because over 400 suspects who were quarantined when returning from Dubai when government started implementing to control measures to contain the spread live in the area.
“Kira Municipality has over 420 former suspects who were under quarantine living here. Now government has created a resting center for trailer drivers in Namboole and they are mixing freely with the people in the community which may spread the disease in our area,” he told the Rotarians.