KAABONG – Residents of Kaabong district in Karamoja sub region in the north eastern Uganda are living in fear following the continued attacks on them by the armed Jie Karamojong cattle rustlers of Kotido district.
The cattle rustlers who have made it as a daily routine clashing with army in Kaabong have denied several farmers to have access to their gardens while other families have fled their homes for their to save lives.
On Saturday, the Jie warriors clashed with army killing one soldier on spot before army also managed to kill one rustler.
The warriors managed to drive away over 300 herds of cattle after an exchange that last to about four hours.
Mr. Mark Abuku, the district LCV chairperson of told PML Daily on Wednesday, May 6 that the security situation in Kaabong was getting out of hands and that several families are most likely to be forced into camps, should the government keeps on watching at the situation without putting tougher measures.
“Every day Jie cattle rustlers of Kotido raid Kaabong and at times, these warriors are killed, phones recovered but we have not seen proper investigation done to follow up these culprits,” he said.
Mr. Abuku said people no longer go for their garden work since some of their colleagues are being abducted.
Mr. Samson Lokeris, the Member of Parliament for Dodoth east in Kaabong distict said the situation is made worse “with the skeleton of UPDF on the ground.”
According to Lokeris, the cattle rustlers are deeply connected with cattle traders in Teso, Acholi and Langi who load animals at night and drive away.
“You find that animals are stolen but never recovered. It means the cattle rustlers have a connection with traders outside Karamoja who load the animals very first and take them,” he said.
Major. Peter Mugisa, the UPDF 3rd division spokesperson said the situation was not out of hand saying the army was following the culprits and assured the residents that their animals will be brought to back.