KAMPALA – Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) has announced that it has renewed contracts of its workers five days after suspending them due to the current lockdown over coronavirus.
IUIU Rector Ahmed Sengendo told journalists on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 that since President Museveni on Monday announced that finalists and other candidate classes can resume on June 2, their staff will be paid for this month and the subsequent ones.
“Following the government’s directive permitting universities to reopen and start teaching of final students , the suspension of all staff ‘s contracts is accordingly hereby lifted,” Mr Sengendo said.
“Arrangements have been finalised to ensure that by May 22nd all staff at all IUIU campuses are paid their full May salary and staff welfare will continue to be one of Management’s top priorities,” he added.
The Deputy Director of IUIU Kampala campus Mr Kasule Twaha said that although universities have been allowed to resume teaching one the challenges universities are going to face is that some of their students are international.
“We therefore urged the National Council for Higher Education to reconsider international students as they plan for final year students because from the communication of the president the airport and borders will remain closed and it means the students will not have access to resume studies by June 2nd,”he said
Mr Kasule added that as IUIU they are trying to look for these students and to have a contingency plan that when they come back they resume studies and graduate with others.