KAMPALA – Uganda Police Force working jointly with with civil society organisations and other security agencies have teamed up in a mission to rescue and offer relief to victims of mudslides and floods, Deputy Police Spokesperson ACP Polly Namaye has said.
Fresh floods hit Kasese on May 21, 2020 due to the increased volumes of water in river Thako and river Lubiriha in Bwera in Kasese district.
In a Saturday, May 23, statement, Namaye revealed that during a rescue operation, a 32-year old Monday Zephanous was found with serious injuries and rushed for treatment at Ikobero.
“Two pregnant women were rescued including Muhindo Martha of isango village in kitholhu who was then delivered of a baby girl at Bwera hospital,” she said.
Namaye further noted that six people were reported missing including four members of one family whose house was washed away by the mudslides.
These people have been identified as:
Kabugho Evangiline 70, of Bughabirwa village in Kitholhu Sub county,
Masika Lawrentina 40, of Bughabirwa village, Kitholhu Sub county,
Masika Agnes 20, of Bughabirwa in Kitholhu Sub county,
Biira Ferestus 16, of Bughabirwa in Kitholhu Sub county (body recovered on May 22, 2020)
Muzumbo Yubu 57, of Kanyatsi (ii) in Kitholhu Sub county and a 20-year old Mbusa Kyakere 20yrs of Kanyatsi (ii) in Kitholhu Sub county.
Namaye said, “Our sympathies are with those affected by these floods and the public living along river and lake shores are advised to be vigilant and move to safer spaces since these floods are unpredictable.”