KAMPALA – The deputy registrar of the execution division of the High Court, Mr Deo Nizeyimana, has been interdicted for issues orders contrary to Judicial Service Commission regulations.
According to the June 29, 2020 interdiction order issued by acting Chief Registrar Tom Chemutai, Nizeyimana issued an ex parte garnishee order during the Coronavirus pandemic contrary to guidelines issued by the Chief Justice suspending any proceedings in line with the national directives to curb the spread of the virus.
“This is to inform you that I have been directed by the acting Chief Justice to interdict you under regulation 25(i) of the Judicial Service Commission Regulations, 2005 for abusing judicial authority contrary to regulation 23(m) of the Judicial Service Commission Regulations, 2005,” Chemutai wrote.
“You are also interdicted for conducting yourself in a manner prejudicial to the image, dignity, and reputation of the service contrary to Regulations 23(a) of the Judicial Service Regulations, 2005.”
According to the acting Chief Registrar, Nizeyimana’s conduct tainted the image of the judiciary and he has since been sent to the Judicial Service Commission for disciplinary action.
“You are directed to hand over with immediate effect any government property and any court files to the Registrar High Court under section F-d of the Public Service Standing Orders.”
During the interdiction period, Nizeyimana will receive half-pay of his monthly salary but will also not be allowed to fly out of the country without permission from the Chief Registrar.
On June 24, Deputy Registrar of Masaka High Court Ms Cissy Mudhasi was suspended for alleged poor performance and abuse of judicial power.
Ms Mudhasi was interdicted by acting Chief Registrar Mr Tom Chemutai. Her case was referred to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) for action.
“This is to inform you that I am interdicting you under Regulation 25 (1) of the Judicial Service Commission Regulations 2005 for abusing judicial authority, producing poor standard work and conducting yourself in a manner prejudicial to the image, dignity and reputation of the service contrary to regulation 32 (a) of the Judicial Service Regulations 2005,” the interdiction notice reads in part.