KAMPALA — President Museveni on Monday nights confirmed that he supports Electoral Commission idea of organizing a scientific election.
In his first public address on the presidential rallied Ugandans to do the same and said that the Electoral Commission presented three choices to choose from in as far as the 2021 election is concerned.
Key among other alternatives presented by EC included the possibility of safely holding conventional elections of mass rallies and processions even in the absence of a vaccine or clear treatment for the virus.
He said the commission had also considered the possibility of postponing elections.
The other option was a hybrid that can be used to hold elections on time but safely.
“They opted for number three (3) because the danger is in the holding of public gatherings. If you eliminate those and messages of the contestants are passed on through the radios, TVs, socio-media, etc., the gathering for the elections themselves, can be safely managed with hand-washing, social-distancing (okweeha emyaanya ? leaving gaps of the necessary metres between voters in line ? a type of tonsemberera, otampika),’ he said.
He added this would remove the uncertainty that would be created by the postponement of the elections but also ensure that elections are held safely.
“I call upon Ugandans to support this option because it can work if all concerned do their assignment diligently,” he added.
When the Electoral Commission issued a revised roadmap on Tuesday banning mass rallies in favour of candidates using the media for campaigning, it generated immediate opposition from other political players but the NRM.
They said either the Electoral Commission organizes a normal election or the elections are postponed.
On Monday June 22, Kyadondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi popular name Bobi Wine has denounced the ‘scientific elections’ — saying “no Ugandan should be fooled into believing that [President] Museveni is doing this for the safety of Ugandans”.
The popular presidential aspirant Bobi Wine claimed that using the coronavirus as an excuse, Museveni and the Electoral Commission are banning public rallies and other aspects of an election.
“He was hiding behind the Public Order Management Act and now he’s hiding under COVID19 to block us from reaching the people,” the MP said, adding:-
“he recently met with the Electoral Commission and gave them orders to organize what he called a scientific election.”
Bobi Wine has already declared intentions to challenge the incumbent, President Museveni, who has been in power since before the Berlin Wall fell.
“We are telling you that you either organize a free and fair election or step down peacefully, but if you continue provoking the patience of the people of Uganda, they will rise up against you and you will end up in the dustbin of history like your friend Ghadafi, like your friend Mobutu and like your friend Omar El Bashir,” Bobi Wine said.