KAMPALA – Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) is on Tuesday, June 9, celebrating a scientific National Heroes Day under the theme, “Celebrating a Memorable Day as we reflect on the selflessness of the heroes/heroines who put Nation above all else.”
UPC welcomes this theme as the issues at hand indeed require us to put the country first as opposed to individual interests that sometimes undermine the gains of our Uhuru (freedom).
The Heroes’ Day of the year 2020, comes at a time when the Nation is battling with COVID-19 pandemic that has put the entire world to its knees.
“It is disheartening to hear that some health workers who are our frontliners or heroes/heroines in this gigantic struggle to contain the Coronavirus that has claimed a number of people’s lives in other parts of the world, have also contracted the virus!” reads part of the press statement.
Therefore as we celebrate this scientific Heroes Day, UPC calls upon Government to recognize those worth recognition.
“We also call upon all people, both in Government and private sector to be patriotic and serve in the national interest. This is the only way we can promote Nationalism and develop our mother land, Uganda,” stated the UPC.
Modern Nationalism was pioneered and ushered into Uganda by gallant men and women, who watered the tree of freedom with their blood as well as those who put in other efforts to have a better free Uganda where all lives matter.
The pioneers of our mordern Nationalism led by Ignatius Kangave Musazi who came together and founded Uganda National Congress (UNC) in 1952, with a militant motto, “One man one vote, we want self Government now”. In March 1960, UNC merged with Uganda Peoples Union (UPU) and gave birth to Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC) who subsquently led the journey to the final destiny on 9th October,1962, when Uganda attained her Independence.
Okae Lawrence, the UPC National Chairman, said that as a country, we observe this day to celebrate among other things our grand and mini achievements.
” For Heroes day celebrations to have real practical meaning and relevancy, we must ensure that the gains of our Uhuru are jealously protected and promoted, as primarily they are issues to do with our independence and sovereignty,” he added.
The UPC National Chairman, also said that the recent degenaration in rule of law, murders of children and women, reckless arrests and torture by those who are meant to enforce the law and/or lead by example, darkens our Heroes Day Celebrations.
” UPC challenges Government to bench mark Heroes Day celebrations with right to full enjoyment of human rights and freedoms,” added Okae.
Despite the challenges over the years however, Uganda still continues to celebrate her achievements over the years alongside the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their nation.