KAMPALA – People Power Lawyer Shamim Malende says she will be joining the race for the Kampala Woman Member of Parliament Seat under the People Power pressure group.
“Kampala, power to the people. Over 200 people power cases handled for free. Let us expound service from the courtroom to parliament. Talking is good but actions are better,” Malende captioned her campaign poster.
This means she will have to tussle with outspoken human rights activist and Makerere University researcher Dr. Stella Nyanzi who picked nomination forms, expressing interest to contest for the same.
“Today, I collected my “Expression of Interest” and “Nomination for Party Primaries” forms from the party headquarters of FDC. I also renewed my party membership for 2020. I am extremely grateful to my proposer the Vice Chairperson of FDC – Owekitiibwa Joyce Sebugwawo, and my seconders who include Buwembo Habib and Fred Bugoba,” she said.
“My aspirations for the Kampala Woman Member of Parliament seat are now firm. I am preparing hard for the party primaries. My focus is going to be on representing minorities in Kampala. Many MPs, when they reach parliament, they forget the issues of everyday man and woman. They forget the issue of unemployed youth who form the majority of our voters and issues of labor among others,” Dr. Nyanzi added.
The Kampala Woman MP Seat is currently occupied by Nabiira Nagayi Ssempala, also on FDC ticket but she is yet to declare her intentions to run again.