KINKIIZI — The incumbent Member of Parliament for Kinkiizi West James Ruggi Kaberuka who replaced Amama Mbabazi in 2016 faces a tough challenger Dixon Ampumuza Kagurusi also an NRM man formerly working with New Vision amid a mountain of bad polling and warnings from some of his staunchest allies that he’s on course to be a one-term MP.
Kagurusi is riding high on the new-generation ticket, promising the electorate that it is time for the youth to take up sensitive leadership positions if the country is to be transformed.
Kagurusi says that the many years he has worked with various formal and non-formal societal groupings of people have given him an opportunity to understand what the people of Kinkiizi West want; he promises to use the network he built over the years to consolidate on the development in the area.
“Kanungu as a district and Kinkiizi West in particular deserves better in terms of leadership that is relevant to the 21st Century, the holistic kind of leadership that will add value to our Agriculture, better markets, promote Tourism, support Education, improve Health care, modernize infrastructure, skill the youth and create better jobs,” he wrote in statement to the people of Kinkiizi.
Kagurusi who promises a people centered leadership says Kinkiizi West is well endowed with rich soils, good weather except a few parts, natural resources, flora and fauna but all these require a leader that is aptly intelligent, well connected and exposed in order to fully exploit them for the benefit of the people.

Kagurusi who tussled it out with Kaberuka, Jacqueline Kyatuheire, who was in Parliament until 2011, and others
in 2016, plans to mobilize farmers into cooperatives and lobby for them premium prices, ensuring that local Tourism roads are upgraded from murrum to bituminous state and also initiate innovation incubation centers for training local youth to participate in the Digital Economy.
Others on the agenda include lobby International Organizations to establish offices in Kanungu, providing ethical and innovative leadership for communities around the Game parks to effectively utilize the UWA revenue sharing funds as well as establishing an Education fund for the needy and academic talented students among others.