KAMPALA – The Police are investigating circumstances under which St. Peter’s Church of Uganda in Ndeeba, was demolished and have arrested senior police officers for neglect of duty.
Those are include the DPC Katwe David Epedu, OC Station Ndeeba Police Station Mugira Yeko Kato, and the Field Force Unit (FFU) Commander Kampala Metropolitan Area South Region Isabirye Kaloli.
Mr. Patrick Oyango the Kampala Metropolitan Area spokesman said the police chiefs were arrested for failing to provide security to Church properties.
“They are being charged with neglect of duty,” he said.

He explained that the senior police officers have been arrested alongside eight other suspects namely, Mohammad Kawooya.
Bbosa Muniru, Amza Kiberu, Abbasi Mutebi, Ali Bulega, Simon Matovu, Ali Kalika, Andrew Mujuzi, Badru Ssekito, John Isirinya and Bashir Maruti.
Police have also impounded two motor vehicles include an excavator that was recovered from the scene
Mr. Onyango said that all the suspects who are are currently detained at Katwe Police Station face malicious damage to properties among others charges.
“Police were not informed about the eviction and demolition as the practice is,” Onyango told reporters.
“We want to warn the general public who are planning to evict people during this period of COVID19 that they risk being arrested and charged in courts of law if they go ahead with their intentions,” Onyango warned.

The over 49-year old Anglican Church in Ndeeba was demolished after a longstanding land wrangle between the church leadership and a businessman only identified as Dodovico.
Police officers have been guarding the land for several months and no Christian was allowed to access the building.
The Bishop of Namirembe Diocese, Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira has expressed shock and disappointment at the demolition of St. Peter’s Church in Ndeeba.
Bishop Luwalira says the attack on the house of God was done during the lockdown and during curfew time by people with the power of the gun.
He has however urged Christians to stay hopeful, trust in God and know that they are to overcome all challenges that come their way.
He also said Christians will not fear any man but God who can kill both the body and the soul and will not have their faith broken by the incident.