KAMPALA – The Boda Boda industry is one of the sectors that has been greatly affected by the covid-19 pandemic. They were earlier advised to carry cargo when the president first put the country in a national wide lockdown.
In his subsequent COVID-19 addresses, the president later allowed boda boda riders to carry passengers with SOPs that would streamline their operations to control the spread of the deadly covid-19 virus.
President Museveni in July, allowed Boda bodas and tuk tuks riders to start carrying passengers after close to four months of carrying luggage provided the riders would wear face masks and helmets.
He said that boda boda operators would be required to keep a record of passengers they transport to enable health workers trace them in case a rider tested positive for COVID-19.
Riders were also cautioned not to operate beyond 6pm because they were being used by criminals.
“I was worried about boda bodas because I was not sure we could find a solution. Our scientists have come up with a solution. The rider is already putting on a mask and put on a helmet covering the face and enclosing the mask inside,” Museveni said.
Apparently, in line with these, key Players in the Boda Boda industry have come together to launch a joint campaign dubbed ‘Tugobe Corona’, to encourage adherence to government SOPs within the Boda Boda industry and the public at large.
The campaign is an effort to increase sensitization efforts, improve access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including masks, sanitizers, soap and water at all boda stages.
It will also assist in contact tracing, increasing compliance with road safety and health and safety recommendation as people learn to adapt and survive in these unprecedented times.
‘Tugobe Corona’ presents an unprecedented collaboration targeting over 200,000 Boda Boda riders providing an essential service to the community. It also presents a key opportunity to participate as positive change agents in the fight against COVID-19.
The partnership is solidified in an MoU that is signed by over 20 Boda Boda interest companies and associations including SafeBoda, Smart Boda Boda SACCO, Tugende Limited and Zembo Motorcycle SML Limited among others.