KAMPALA – Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has expressed grief for the sudden disappearance of their member and activist Mr. Kakwenza Rukirabasaija, also writer of the famous “GREEDY BARBARIAN”.
Party President, Patrick Oboi Amuriat says Kakwenza was abducted in the wee hours of Friday from his home in Musana – Iganga by plain clothed security operatives.
“This is the second time he is being arrested by plain clothed CMI operatives even when the area LC1 chairman has filed several complaints over the same,” he said in a statement.
Amuriat, also an aspiring Presidential candidate for FDC flag says Kakwenza has been expressing his opinions though writing and “his wife says it may be over another (still unpublished) book titled BANANA REPUBLIC.”
“His abduction therefore is because of his opposition political views and activities. This is expected to happen in any country that only dreams about democracy. We see this as an infringement on the inalienable rights of Mr. Kakweza to speak and belong to a Political Party like the FDC which isn’t an outlawed society/ group,” said Amuriat.
He added, “The abduction of Kakwenza is a clear depiction of what we should expect in the coming election where opposition political views will not be entertained. we strongly condemn this.”
Amuriat says to keep Kakwenza in ungazzeted sites is a pure violation of his political and human rights.
“We hold Police and security organs totally responsible for the disappearance of Kakwenza Rukirabashaija because they have the duty of protecting citizens of Uganda and their properties as the law mandates them and they should never have been the perpetuators of such unlawful actions,” he said.
“We will not just watch as our members and leaders are intimidated abducted, tortured, mishandled, maimed or even killed,” he warned, adding that “We therefore demand security organs such as the Uganda Police and UPDF to release Mr. Kakwenza unconditionally.”
He said that if there is any case to answer, the suspect should be arraigned before a competent court to get justice.