BUDUDA – A Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) officer working in Mt Elgon National Park in Bumayoka Sub-county, Bududa District, has been found dead.
Private Francis Wekomba, was found dead in River Ulukusi over the weekend, with his gun reportedly missing.
Mr Peter Wakaale, the deceased’s friend, said the late spent all day at Shibanga trading center in another Sub County of Mabono on Sunday drinking up to late in the night.
“It is still not known whether he drowned or he was killed and thrown into the river,” Mr Wakaale said.
Mr Moses Shibuya, the GISO Bumayoka sub county said as authorities in the sub county they are still investigating the matter.
UWA records show that at least 10 rangers have been killed by poachers since 2014 following several clashes in different national parks and game reserves across the country. The most endangered animal species include pangolins, parrots, elephants and rhinoceros among others.
UWA has since acquired about 65 digital spy cameras to track wildlife and poachers within the parks. It is hope that the spy camera will stem poaching in the park. However four months down the road, the spy cameras have not yet been installed in the parks.