KAMPALA – Judicial Officers and staff of the LDC Court were on Tuesday sensitized on the Electronic Court Case Management System (ECCMIS).
The Technical Advisor on ECCMIS, Ms Julian Rweju, sensitised the team that comprised of the head of station HW, Roseline Nsenge; Magistrate Grade One, Evelyn Najjuuko, and other staff at the Court on how the system will work after rollout.
“We should accept change,” HW Nsenge told her team at the start of the awareness session, adding that the LDC Court is a special court because it is a training center.
“LDC is a model court where the bar and diploma students learn from. It is strategic to introduce ECCMIS to the students.”
Ms Rweju said amidst other challenges, the Judiciary was moving towards e-services like some other government institutions.
“This is not a formality. We are embracing the use of ICT. With ECCMIS, we’ll soon have features like e-case filling, e-payment of court fees, e-court document processing, notification, introduction of a mobile phone app, among others.
She said ECCMIS would replace the Court Case Administration System, which will in turn facilitate the efficient and reliable data collection.
“Effectively, this will lead to a transparent system meant to meet the demands of justice today,” Rweju said.