KAMPALA – The third edition of the Kampala Geopolitics conference has kicked off in Kampala, with officials discussing regional matters including the effects of coronavirus on economies among others.
Due to the coronavirus disruptions, this edition is being held virtually; with some topics broadcast live on television from 19th to 30th October while other topics will be discussed online via zoom, Skype, and social media during the month of November.
Experts from Uganda and the region are being joined by international researchers and scholars to engage in interactive, dynamic debates on contemporary, local, and international geopolitical topics to enhance dialogue, free speech, tolerance, and democracy among other values especially ahead of Uganda’s general polls.
Key topics include, Covid-19 crisis, women and power, the fourth industrial revolution, the sports industry, and Environment and conservation are the geopolitics of the Nile water,
Others are; youth entrepreneurship in Africa, the black lives matter movement and race relations, the Francophonie and Africa-Europe relations
The conference organized by the Embassy of France in Uganda, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), UN Women Uganda, Makerere University, Institute for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) France, and Alliance Française de Kampala.
The first two editions of the Kampala Geopolitics were held at Makerere University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Africa, known for its [past] vibrant debating culture and for training numerous post-independent African leaders.