KAMPALA – A team from the the Registry of Planning and Development led by its Registrar, Amos Kwizera, on Tuesday held a consultative meeting with the Deputy Chief Justice, Richard Buteera, at his chambers at the Court of Appeal.
Also present at the meeting was Justice Irene Mulyagonja Kakooza, who emphasised the for the planners to give ample information to the Court such as the NDPIII and the Strategic Investment Plan to enable the courts plan accordingly.
The six member delegation explained that the visit was part of their ongoing consultative meetings with implementers at the different courts to ensure their activities are in tandem to the Programmatic Approach and aligning it to the National Development Plan III (NDPIII).
The planners explained that the Programmatic Approach aims at strengthening alignment of planning and budgeting frameworks which will provide a logical framework for keeping in place the Programme Based Budgeting System, and a coordinated framework for improving service delivery.
The Court’s Deputy Registrar, Ayebare Tumwebaze, shared the quarterly work plan for the Court for the Financial Year 2021/2022.
Key among the planned activities at Court include conducting trainings on Adjudication of Election Appeals and Management of Constitutional Petitions. He also emphasised the need to conduct trainings on Appellate Mediation. Adding that it was important to conduct staff training on basic operational legal principles and Registry management.
He called for the review of the Court of Appeal Rules and development of Appellate Mediation Rules.
HW Ayebare said they also planned for the compilation and digest of Court of Appeal and Supreme Court decisions. “We intend to research and compile judgments of Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, provide a digest and index for each adding that they will produce copies in book format and supply to Courts, Judicial Officers and other stakeholders.
The other activities that the Court has prioritized are enhancement of electronic video conferencing in case hearing, provision of transport for sessions and process service, reorganization of the Registries and tooling the library as well means of transport to facilitate the service of process.
The DCJ urged the Registrar Planning and Development and his team to capture the ideas and see if they are workable.
On his part, the Registrar, Mr Kwizera shared a draft projection for the court. It was agreed that the planners capture the planned activities of the court.
The DCJ thanked the team for their work and encouraged consultations to ensure a better output for the courts and Judiciary as a whole.
The Principal Economist, Simon Peter Opolot committed to refine the draft plan incorporating activities realized through the activities to feed into the Budget Framework Paper that is going to be presented to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
The DCJ’s Private Legal Secretary, Dr Alex Mushabe Karocho, Senior Policy Analyst, Mr Julius Caesar Kagoro, Mr Herbert Kidiya, a Legal Researcher and Mr Innocent Ahabwe an Economist took part in the meeting.