KAMPALA – The case in which the Chairperson of Equal Opportunities (EOP) Commission Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi is accused of corruption and mismanagement of funds has been forwarded to the High Court for trial.
The Kololo Anti Corruption Court judge Pamela Lumunu issued the ruling on Wednesday after the Director of Public Prosecutions preferred more counts against the accused including embezzlement, abuse of office, conspiracy to defraud and corruption.
The judge directed Ms. Ntambi and nine others to report to court on January 19, 2020.
The accused are the
former senior personal secretary to the chairperson, Ms Agnes Enid Kamahoro, Moses Mugabe (senior monitoring evaluation officer), Harriet Byangire (senior accountant), Ronnie Kwesiga (Acting accounts assistant), Evans Jjemba (Principal Compliance officer), Manasseh Kwihangana (senior compliance officer), Sarah Nassanga (office attendant) and Sunday Nicholas Olwor.
Prosecution alleges that between July 2018 and April 2019 at EOC offices in Kampala, Ntambi being the chairperson of the commission, neglected her duty of directing the affairs and administration of the commission thereby leading to gross mismanagement of the commission funds.
It is alleged that between November 2018 and April 2019 at EOC offices in Kampala District, Mugabe, Mujuni, Jjemba and Ntambi being employed in the commission in their respective positions conspired to defraud the government of UGX35 million and more than UGX.9.4 million between January and April 2019.
Prosecution also adds that between November 2018 and April 2019, Mugabe stole UGX29m and UGX14.5m which belonged to EOC.
The state also accuses Mugabe and Jjemba of stealing UGX.5.7 million, the property of EOC.