KAMULI – Presidential candidate Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde has cautioned the electoral commission Chairperson Justice Simon Byabakama to desist from any acts which portray them as being partisan.
He cited the new guidelines which were issued by the commission to be observed by the voters at the polling stations saying they are unconstitutional and aimed at infringing at the rights of the voters on choosing leaders of their choice.
“EC should take full charge of the electoral process and avoid being influenced by any individual all institution because they will be responsible for every result of the electoral process,” he said.
He added, “Why would you stop a journalist or camera person from accessing a polling station. You don’t want vote rigging,bribery and violence to be captured,” said Tumukunde.
According to Tumukunde, the trained 5,000 SPCs are aimed at intimidating voters and further condemned the militarizing of campaigns.

“No Ugandan is certain about the results of the coming elections. In Congo,there were designs to rig elections however the congolese turned up in big numbers and voted against the candidate they did want,” he said.
Tumukunde called upon Ugandans to massively turn up and vote in big numbers and protect their vote so that they give up on ousting government through an election.
He further said he’s concerned that between the nomination to date, 543,000 voters have come up.
“Where were these voters verified from and to whose knowledge? The biometric machines are being introduced without the knowledge of any candidate. This means that we are heading for a very uncertain electronic voting period,” he said.