KAMPALA – Speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga on Monday, 08 February 2021 opened an institute named after her.
The Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga Institute of Parliamentary Studies will train Members of Parliament how to do legislative work and debate on the floor of the House.
Speaking at the launch, Kadaga argued that some MPs are elected in various constituencies but do not know what to do when on the floor of Parliament, and so the institute will help train them on where to focus and how to conduct research on various topics of interest.
“This institute is to assist mainly the parliamentarians and staff. It will help members to be more efficient by doing continuous training and induction. In the past, we have been doing induction for one month, that is before and after swearing and we stop there for five months,” Ms Kadaga said.
The chairperson of the institute, Ms Cecilia Ogwal, said it will also offer training to councillors of Local Government Councils.
“We shall also train Permanent Secretaries of various government agencies because some of them do not understand requisition for funds. They usually appear on the floor of parliament and look green about the public finance and management Act. So we are going to design training for them so that we are on the same page,” she said.