MBALE — The National Water and Sewerage corporation has reveled plans to boost service delivery in Mbale city upto the year 2040
This was revealed by the NWSC Deputy Managing Director Technical Services Eng Johnson Amayo during a tour of NWSC facilities in the area by the NWSC Board of Directors.
According to Eng Johnson Amayo, Mbale city is currently served by three rivers (Nabijo, Nabiyonga and Manafwa); all originating from mountain Elgon. However, the volume of raw water from these rivers is not adequate to meet the current and future (2040) water demand.
“To solve this challenge, Nwsc with help from the world Bank secured funding to develop a water supply system for improving water supply reliability in Mbale city and the neighbouring growing centres of Butaleja, Busolwe, Budaka, Kasama, Tirinyi, Kibuku and Butebo.” he said.
This project is being designed to meet the future 2040 water demand in the above area.
It is anticipated to abstract and distribute over 1.5million litres of water per hour from rivers Namatala and Manafwa; serving over 400,000 people within the project area.
On behalf of the Board, NWSC Board Chairman Prof. Dr. Eng Badru. M. Kiggundu reiterated the Board’s commitment towards water for all in line with NDPIII, environmental conservation initiatives and excellent customer service in the region
The area General Manager Agnes Aketch urged Mbale city residents to pay water bills on time, report leakages and desists from illegal water activities which are crippling service delivery in the area.
Mbale Area engineer Gilbert Mukago said that the corporation has worked on a number of service delivery projects to boost water Supply in the Elgonregion. These include;
Completed WORKS, MBALE AREA (FY2019/2020 & FY2020/201
• Completed laying of 3.5Km DN40 distribution main in Kocheka, Mabanga, Muwanda-Busiu, Kibizi, Bumatofu, Nabumali, Kasanja, Kawojani and Butebo.
•Completed laying of 18km DN50 distribution mains under scap100 project to serve; Butebo -Kanyumu H/C, Buhungu, Kaguta Road phase 3, Bukedea, Kawojani, Kamonkoli-Kabwangasi, Kakoro- Butebo, Kibira -Nabirende, Bukasakya, Kibira -Nabirende, Namatala, Kaloko-Bukedea, Kabwangasi-Kachuru, Nyanza Cell-Kamonkoli, Jami, Busoba and Nalondo, Rwatam Kachumbala, Kabwangasi -Kachuru, Nylon, Budadiri, Kikoromojo, Kampala road, Namabasa and Butebo.
•Completed laying of 14km distribution mains under scap100 to serve Kakoro- Butebo, Kiguli bridge, Kamonkoli-Jami, Kachonga, Jami, Buyaga, Kachuru, Kachuru, Maluku Uganda prisons, Aloet Bukedea, Nakaloke, Namabasa, Lugasi, Kibuli Bridge, Kasanja, Kachonga, Masaba Jewabusukya, Masaba road, Bujujja, and Nakaloke
•Laying of 2.5Km distribution mains to Aloet under Bukedea Branch.
•Laying and charging of a water main extension to Kasanja.
•Laying of DN80 water distribution main along Makwete road opposite cure hospital.
Upgrade of Nasenyi booster station from 400 to 600m3/day and reinstatement of the 150m3 tank at Kamonkoli TC.
Pressure improvement in parts of Kiteso, Kasanvu, and Gangama under Nkoma branch.
Ongoing Water Supply Stabilization Plans
•Laying of a DN150 water main from Buyonjo road to Nkoma booster (800m laid and charged so far)
• Replacement of aged sections of Nabigyo abstraction main (200m of DN150 replaced so far)
•Plant modification works at Bungokho water works (2No. DN100 parallel filter mains installed to increase filtration rates)
•Water main interconnections in the areas of Namabaasa and Namataala (These interconnections have improved supply reliability in parts of half-london and more works are ongoing).
•Installation of a weir gate at Bunkhoko water works to improve raw water sedimentation.
•Overhaul of the raw water pump (LLP No.3 &4) at Manafwa water works to optimize production.
Planned works for Mbale area
•Nakaloke water supply improvement project (Borehole sitting and drilling completed, Laying of the 800m DN80 transmission main from the booster to the tank has been completed, Construction of Nakaloke booster house is ongoing,and Electro-mechanical works at Nakaloke booster station are soon commencing)
Other Water Supply Improvement Plans
•Design a new water treatment plant to treat additional 100m3/hr from Namatala river (Preliminary water quality analysis is complete and design of this mini-treatment plant is on-going)
•Upgrade of Manafwa water works (Improvement of the raw water pumps, abstraction mains and mixing race)
•Procure and install at 450m3/day compact water treatment plant at a new site in Bugiboni (To minimize risks associated with land slides at the current Bugiboni WE)
•Take over of Nabiganda Water Supply system from Butaleja district
•Laying of 22Km of distribution mains within the greater Mbale Water Supply Network under the scap100 project (3Km of DN80 HDPE pipes already acquired and works have commenced).
Laying of 2.5Km sewer main in parts of Maluku (Pipes for the works have been acquired)
Work with the consultant to fast track the implementation of the Mbaale World Bank project . This project will benefit Mbale city and the neighbouring districts of Butebo, Butaleja, Budaka, Tirinyi and the greater bukedi (Water augmentation report is done and the design review is soon commencing)