KAMPALA – The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has announced a UGX 10m bounty for anyone with information that leads to the arrest and successful prosecution of the people behind the death of six lions in Queen Elizabeth National park
The 6 Lions in the Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park are believed to have been poisoned.
The Authority’s communications manager Bashir Hangi says killing of wildlife does not only impact negatively on the country’s tourism, but also revenue generation which supports conservation and community work in protected areas.
He assures the public that the authority will continue to strengthen the protection of lions and other wildlife in Uganda and will pursue this matter to its logical conclusion.
Security and Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) officials have organised a meeting with the local leaders tomorrow (Tuesday) in a move understand how the incident occurred, and to deliberate on measures to safe guard wild life.
The Deputy Resident District Commissioner Kanungu Mr Guard Rugaaju Ahimbisibwe said on Sunday that that they suspect that poison could have been used to kill the young female climbing lions.
Their heads, feet, tails, hearts and livers were cut off and taken by the killers. Mr Rugaaju added that 10 vultures that fed on the carcases died at the same spots.
“We urge all residents to stop killing the wild animals because they benefit the country through tourism. I have called for a meeting on Tuesday for local leaders from the sub counties of Nyanga and Kihihi and UWA staff to look into this matter and see how to safeguard the wild life,” Mr Rugaaju said.
LC I, LCII, LC3 chairpersons and councillors in the two sub counties are expected to attend the meeting.