KAMPALA – Last week, the Justice Law and Order Sector (JLOS) leadership held a special dinner at Sheraton Hotel in Kampala to bid farewell to the outgoing Chairperson of the Development Partners Group (DPG), Dr Roswitha Kremser of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).
The Chief Justice and Chairperson of the JLOS Leadership Committee, Alfonse C Owiny-Dollo, used the platform to thank Dr Kremser for a job well done.
He welcomed the new Chairperson of the Development Partners Group (DPG), Ambassador Karin Boven, of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kampala.
“Your Excellency, you are taking over the leadership of our Development Partners at a time when great progress has been registered. However, we remain deficient in many areas of our service to the population of Uganda,” the CJ said.
The CJ also appreciated the Chief Justice emeritus, Bart M. Katureebe, for his able stewardship and relentless pursuit for a robust Sector, sound and fruitful partnership with DPG.
The Chief Justice thanked the members for accepting the Group’s leadership during the tough times presented by COVID-19.
“It is a testimony to your commitment to service and development of the partnership we have enjoyed over the years with all our partners”, he said.
Among the issues discussed during the dinner were fighting case backlog, fostering human rights and expediting the passing of pending legislation such as the Legal Aid Policy Bill, which has been pending since 2016.
Twice a year, the JLOS institutions leadership meet over dinner for an informal dialogue with its partners. During this time, members engage in a discussion on contemporary key policy issues relevant to the Sector.
Present at the dinner was the Deputy Chief Justice, Richard Buteera, Principal Judge, Dr Flavian Zeija, Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Judiciary, Mr Pius Bigirimana and Chief Registrar Sarah Langa Siu. The others included the European Union Ambassador to Uganda, Attilio Pacifici, Uganda Law Society President Pheona Wall, UN’s Rosa Malango, Commissioner General of Prisons and Dr Johnson Byabashaija.