KIRYANDONGO – The Uganda Police Force is conducting a four-day training for police officers in the five districts of Kiryandongo, Kaberamaido, Gulu, Kitgum and Kyegegwa on collection, preservation of evidence and management of Violence Against Women and Children (VAW/C)cases.
The training, with support from UN Women Uganda has attracted 125 police officers from the Directorates of Child and Family Protection Officers (CFP0s), Criminal Investigators, Records Officers, Scene of Crime Officers (SOCOs), Community Liaison Oficers (CLOs), and General Duties officers including Officers in Charge Out Posts.
According to the police, the training is aimed at building capacity to effectively treat victims/survivors without any biases and re-traumatization as well as conducting proper investigations to effectively prosecute suspects, so as to end impunity associated with cases of Violence Against Women and Girls.
“The Sexual Gender Based Violence and Children related Offences Department, under the Criminal Investigations Directorate is the lead Department conducting this training with facilitators drawn from other specialized Departments of the UPF & survivors.”
In her opening remarks at Kiryandongo, SSP Atuhaire Maureen, the Acting Commissioner Child and Family Protection Department said that the training is meant to create a deeper understanding of gender and related stereotypes and how they can be dealt with.
Police say that the training will also guide the procedure on collection of forensic evidence as well as keeping the chain of custody of this evidence, how to conduct interviews with victims with specific emphasis on child victims.
SSP Atuhaire called upon investigators to apply a trauma informed approach while investigating VAW/C cases.
She said that the training basically inculcates practical skills on collection, preservation, management and use of forensic evidence in the administration of justice which has been a big challenge in the success of prosecution of SGBV cases.
She further revealed that at the end of the training, the participants will graduate with hands on skills, knowledge, understanding, right attitude and behavior which are crucial in managing VAW/C cases. This will be instrumental in fighting gender inequality created by power imbalances between men and women in society and as a result; free men, women, boys and girls from its impact of destructive gender and sexual norms that have over the years been created by stereotypes.