MOYO – Water and Sanitation Development Facility-North held a detailed technical inspection and handover of Moyo Town Council piped water supply and sanitation facilities in Moyo District.
The project was inspected and handed over to National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) for operation and maintenance.
The project was implemented by the Ministry of Water and Environment through Water and Sanitation Development Facility-North and funded by the Germany Government through their German Development Bank (KfW) and the Government of Uganda. The water system covers 39 Villages in both Moyo Town Council (Moyo Central, Elenderea, Celecelea, and Besia Divisions) and Moyo Sub-county and is expected to serve 28,500 people.
The system was constructed by Contractor/ Consultant M/S Reddy’s Borehole and Technical Services Ltd Supervised by M/S Bright Technical Services Ltd.
The System components include;
• 978 Yard connections (including Households and Institutions)
• 15 No. PSPs
Sanitation Facilities
• 2 No. 6-Stances Drainable Latrine Blocks at Moyo Boys Primary School
• 1No. Public Toilet of 13 stances with septic tank
•Water office block
•Pump stations in Pamoju 1 and Pamoju 2
• Standby Generator
•Transmission mains, Distribution Mains and Intensification lines
• 300m3 Steel reservoir tank
• 164m3 Steel reservoir tank
• Supply and installation of 1no. submersible pump
The ceremony was officiated by the Assistant Commissioner Planning and Development in Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Department, Engineer Richard Matua.
Other participants included Ministry of Water and Environment Officials, Water and Sanitation Development Facility-North Officials, the Resident District Commissioner, Local Council V, Chief Administrative Officer, Town Council team and Moyo District Local Government officials.