KAMPALA – Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) Executive Director Allen Kagina has disclosed that over 40 local firms made inroads into the construction sector during the past year.
“By the end of the financial year, 38.8% of signed contracts worth UGX 1,358, 649, 565,742 were awarded to local providers through applications of the local content reservation schemes, accreditation for construction materials and margin of preference in favour of the local and resident providers,” she disclosed.
Kagina was on Thursday reading UNRA’s performance Report for the 2020/21 Financial Year at their Kyambogo offices
The big jump from 25% in 2019/20 to 38.8% Kagina said, signified UNRA’s commitment in uplifting domestic companies that for years had been side-lined.
“Affirmative actions were taken to increase the level of participation of local firms in the roads sub sector in compliance with the PPDA Regulations and guidelines for promotion of local content,” she said.
Under the year in review, Kagina says the mechanized and periodic maintenance of paved/unpaved roads, swamp improvements and labour based maintenance of national roads were specifically reserved for local service providers.