KAMPALA – A section of civil society activists led by former presidential candidate Joseph Kabuleta have castigated the government for the continued mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 it is subjecting to Ugandans.
Addressing the media in Kampala on October 26, Mr Kabuleta, together with city Lawyer Daniel Walyemera and Medical Entomologist Moses Mugisha said it is illegal for the government of Uganda to force anyone to be injected with vaccines that are not yet proven to be safe and effective.
Kabuleta shared that it is unfortunate that the manufacturers of the Covid-19 vaccines, the researchers and the medics who administer them are all protected by the law to produce and vaccinate except the people being vaccinated with what he termed as an international vaccine experiment.
“Those vaccinated are part of the world wide experiment on the new vaccinations. The vaccines have side effects to breastfeeding mothers and to the babies as they flow through the blood streams. It also affects the testis and the ovaries in men and women.”
The former journalist also wondered why all the vaccinated people are not allowed to donate blood.
“There is a debate going on across the world and we just can’t let it be silenced in Uganda. Why is the government refusing debate about the vaccine?” he stated.
According to Kabuleta, the Health Ministry is threatening withdrawal of licenses of medical practitioners who want to come out to talk about the side effects of the vaccines, something he says is not sustainable.
Mr Kabuleta further urged all vaccinated Ugandans to share their experiences on the side effects from the vaccination on his new platform, falsevaccines.ug to expose the people who have decided to make their fellow humans as test rats.
The Government of Uganda has since the beginning of this year received donations, purchased Covid 19 vaccines including AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson among others to vaccinate Ugandans to reduce their vulnerability to the acquisition of the world’s deadly pandemic.
More than 4 million Covid-19 doses have been acquired. President Museveni has kept Ugandans under a dusk to dawn curfew as part of his efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
In his recent address to the nation, the President said he would reopen the country after approximately 4.8 million Ugandans have been vaccinated. Also, government administrators including Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) have vowed not to receive any Ugandan who is not vaccinated into their offices.
This according to Counsel Daniel Walyemera is a gross human rights violation that shouldn’t be tolerated.
Walyemera said it is not right for citizens to be denied access to public offices because they lack vaccination cards yet vaccination has to be by choice and not by force.
“Not everybody in the world is going to be vaccinated because there are people with pre-existing medical conditions that don’t allow them to be vaccinated. Denying a social service is a violation of rights of individuals,”
Just like Kabuleta, Walyemera believes that there must be some contrary views that must be heard from the public since the vaccines are just trials.
Dr Moses Mugisha, a medical entomologist shared that the government should stop the compulsory vaccination of Ugandans since it is against the ethical code of medical and health officers in the country.
“It is unfortunate that a medical practitioner like Dr Aceng comes out to say No jab, No job. Medical and health officers are among those who refused vaccination. Whether or not you are vaccinated, you still get infected with Covid 19. So vaccination should not be forceful,” Mugisha revealed.
When contacted, the Ministry of Health spokesperson Emmanuel Ainebyona told this website that those arguing that vaccines are not safe are idle and misleading the public and anyone should condemn them.
“We want to assure Ugandans that the vaccines are proven and safe and are the only way to reopen the country and the whole economy,” Ainebyona said.
Meanwhile, the country has since the launch of the vaccination exercise received a number of backlashes with several Ugandans including the Deputy Director of the Government Citizen Interaction Center- Duncan Abigaba and former Minister for Health Mike Mukula indicating that among the side effects of the vaccination is erectile dysfunctioning.
Also, some people have complained of a painful left arm after the vaccination. However, despite the challenges, the Ministry of Health has dismissed the accusations saying there are no severe side effects caused by the vaccination.