KAYUNGA – President Museveni who is also the NRM National Chairman has rallied the people of Kayunga to vote for NRM’s Muwonge in the forthcoming LC5 by-election set for 16th December.
Addressing the party leaders who gathered at Kayonza Church of Uganda Primary School in Kayonza sub-county in Bbaale Constituency and Busaana town council playgrounds in Ntenjeru North Constituency, Museveni said that, unlike other parties, NRM knows how to deal with the country’s problems.
“NRM leadership is about solving people’s problems. Political parties and leaders are like doctors. If a doctor diagnoses well a problem, the patient gets healed. The peace that NRM brought has led to electricity, schools, roads and hospitals that you see here. I ask you to vote Muwonge but also in future, support NRM candidates because NRM has the correct diagnosis of the country’s problems,” Museveni said.
“The tarmacked roads, schools, hospitals, dams and ferries you have here are a clear testimony that what NRM says are not lies but the truth. We diagnose people’s problems and find solutions for them.”
Museveni who arrived at Kayonza Church of Uganda after a heavy downpour and received a thunderous welcome by the NRM leaders first apologized for not stopping on the road where crowds had gathered to welcome him.
He said he could not violate Covid guidelines that prohibit such gatherings.
“While coming, some people were stopping me but it is very dangerous. Please don’t think I ignored you but it is very dangerous to gather during these Covid times. The wise thing to do is meet a few people like we have done here and later speak to our people through radios and TVs,” he said.
The president said that even before capturing power, the NRM had identified the country’s problems and therefore differed from other parties.
“The work of politics is to look for people’s needs and deal with them and that is where NRM deferred with other groups. It is the reason we parted ways with UPC, DP and Kabaka Yekka in 1965 because they were looking at politics of identity. These parties were based on differences in religion and tribes yet the problems of the people didn’t have tribes or religions. Sickness does know religion or tribes,” Museveni said.
“Our idea of not focusing on tribes or religions helped a lot. That’s why we were able to build a strong army that has ensured Uganda is peaceful for almost 40 years. For us, we don’t look at your tribe or religion but your capacity to shoot well.”
The NRM party chairman also warned leaders against what he termed as individualism, especially among the party leaders in Kayunga that he said has seen the NRM support go down.
“Problems cant be solved by one person. This egocentrism of thinking about oneself should stop. As an individual, you cant have solutions for people’s problems unless you work together as a party. If you have a good idea, pass it through the party but not think you can solve the problem alone.”
He cited an example of land grabbing in Kayunga, a problem he said no individual can solve, apart from working together as a party to find solutions to the problem.
The NRM National Chairman however rallied the people of Kayunga to support the party flag bearer Andrew Muwonge whom he said listens to the NRM gospel.
“I call upon our people in Kayunga to place your trust in Muwonge, for he stands for the real issues. He stands for the unity of Kayunga and NRM. Let us support him because he has been identified by the party and will solve the problems of Kayunga.”
The president officially handed over the NRM flag to Kayunga asking him to lead the party to win the forthcoming LC5 by-election
Speaking at the meetings, the NRM Secretary-General, Rt Hon. Richard Todwong urged the party leaders in Kayunga to unite to ensure NRM wins the by-election.
“Kayunga is 90% NRM but because of divisions, we lose elections. Lets us this time speak the same language and reconcile with one another. Nothing can beat us if we reconcile with each other, “Todwong said.
The NRM flag bearer in the forthcoming by-election, Andrew Muwonge pledged to deal with the widespread corruption and land grabbing in Kayunga, if voted into power.