KAMPALA – Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) is set to conduct phase two of Technical and Vocational Education and Training – TVET examinations from January 24th to February 7th 2022.
Addressing the press at the UBTEB Secretariat in Ntinda on Thursday morning, the Board Executive Secretary, Mr. Onesmus Oyesigye revealed that they have registered a total of 15,809 Candidates from 223 examinations centres.
“The Board registered a total of 63 candidates with special needs such as visual impairment, deaf, lame hand, sickle cells and dyslexia,” he said.
Among the students, 3,540 candidates, 723 of whom are females are doing Higher National Diploma – Technical and Vocational Diploma. These will sit their examinations from January 24 – 31, 2022.
A total of 1,167 students doing Diploma Biological and Agricultural sciences will do their examinations from January 24 to February 7, 2022. 350 of these are females.
The Board also revealed that a total of 11,102 candidates will do their exams from January 24 to February 2, 2022. 6,918 of these are females.
Oyesigye said that since the opening of the education and training institution in November 2021, UBTEB conducted phase one of the examinations for candidates pursuing TVET programmes across the country from 13 December 2021 to 22 December 2021.
“The Board is currently marking examinations for this category of candidates who sat during the December 2021 examinations series.”
The ES also revealed that the Board is undertaking other continuous assessment processes like inspection and assessment of real-life projects for candidates pursuing Higher National Diploma Technical and Vocational Diploma programmes.
He said the Board as part of the implementation of TVET reforms, has involved practitioners from the world of work in the assessment of the real-life projects. This assessment provides an avenue for improvement processes to enhance the competencies of TVET graduates.
In fulfilment of the wider policy direction as stipulated in the National Development Plan (NDP III), Oyesigye said the Board has issued modular assessment syllabi to all Skills Development Centres (SDC) to be followed this academic year 2022.
“This will enable our training institutions to cater for all categories of learners, for example, short term and long term training informal learning environment.”
The Board appealed to heads of centres and candidates to adhere and observe Standard Operating Procedures and guidelines on Covid-19 issued by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Sports respectively.
“The Board encourages all Heads of centres to brief candidates in accordance with UBTEB rules on the conduct of examinations. The Board encourages candidates to adhere to these rules and avoid involvement in any form of examinations malpractices. The Board wishes all Heads of training institutions and candidates successful conduct of examinations.”